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Brand Image Featured Web Design December 20, 2018

Prometeus MSCA RISE

We created the logo and a fully responsive website for Prometeus (The Protein and Membrane Technology Consortium).

Since membrane proteins are the focus of the Consortium, we designed graphics that would reproduce the visualization in a schematic and immediate way.

A logo and website in warm colors that evoke the fire of the gods given to humans by Prometeus, the titan friend of humanity and progress. Stylized membranes move in the background that also enclose the logo by turning letters into proteins.


The aim of the Prometeus Consortium is to provide high-quality multidisciplinary knowledge through training and research on membrane protein and protein complexes as molecular tools for drug development and theranostics.

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A logo that contains the membrane protein but at the same time plays in naming with the use of words.

PRO for protein but also for positive, METE for membranes and technology, Us as we, the group, the consortium.


On the home page the Mission and Project incipit with a button that links to the in-depth pages. This is followed by the logos of the prestigious participants in this Marie Skłodowska-Curie European Union’s H2020 – MSCA RISE project.

Among the in-depth pages is a detailed timeline that will be constantly updated to allow users to follow all project developments and another that describes the participating institutions and how they will interact with the membrane protein studies in addition to the News.

A contact page with a world map showing locations on the two continents closes.

Graphics for Conference

Poster, Banner and Programme for conference.

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